Wellness treatments

The face is the mirror of our soul. We therefore check the condition of the skin before every treatment. Relaxing massages and the use of high-quality products with intensive effects improve your general well-being and your personal appearance.

The different treatments can be selected between 45 – 90 minutes. In our wellness treatments we only use products from well-known companies such as Maria Galland, NeoStrata, Noreva, ISDIN, SkinCeuticals.


Dr. Christoph Fedel

Dr. Janina Jungmann-Geiß

with colleagues

Olgastraße 11

71032 Böblingen


Private consultation:
Cosmetic appointments:
Answering machine:

Consultation hours

We are here for you:

Mo – Th: 08:00 – 16:30
Fr: 08:00 – 12:00
and by appointment

Telephone times vary

Online Terminvergabe