Haut & Kosmetik­zentrum

In addition, we provide a range of services including manual acne therapy, podiatry and cosmetic wellness treatments

Dermatology, allergology & vein therapy
Individual treatments using the latest technology and innovative procedures

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronan, is a natural moisture retainer in our skin. With age, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, leading to a loss of skin tension and the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. The application of hyaluronic acid for wrinkle treatment...

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Acne therapy

In addition to the classic, tried-and-tested manual acne therapy, our professional therapists also have other effective medical-cosmetic treatments available for you to support individual dermatological therapy.
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The controlled mechanical removal of the upper epidermal cells stimulates skin regeneration and significantly accelerates microcirculation. This noticeably improves the skin's ability to absorb external applications. The treatment is almost painless and immediately produces visible and ...
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Skin analysis/care advice

A skin analysis assesses the current condition of your skin in terms of fat and moisture content, pore size, skin aging, tone and elasticity, taking into account your individual history and lifestyle habits.
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A JetPeel™ treatment is an innovative transdermal treatment procedure. Both aesthetic care and dermatological healing treatments can be achieved with this great new technology. JetPeel™ combines the know-how of modern jet propulsion technology with the high demands of modern skin care by accelerating the finest misty ...
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Fruit acid treatment

We carry out fruit acid treatments primarily with glycolic acid as a surface peeling. Over several sessions, the active ingredient concentration and exposure time are increased until the desired effect is achieved.
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Wellness treatments

The face is the mirror of our soul. We therefore check the condition of the skin before every treatment. Relaxing massages and the use of high-quality products with intensive effects improve your general well-being and your personal appearance.
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In Germany, around one in five people reacts after a meal with flatulence, cramps, nausea, malaise or even diarrhea. The cause of your symptoms can be various intolerable foods or an enzyme deficiency. The best-known causes include lactose, fructose, sorbitol and histamine, as well as a combination of various substances.
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Podiatry and foot care

A podiatric treatment includes a medically prescribed treatment for foot problems in diabetics, rheumatics and people with a tendency to bleed. These complex treatments must be carried out by specially trained specialists (podiatrists). medical foot care gilt die behandlung des gesunden Fußes („Wellness…
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Nutritional advice

Obesity is not only a result of eating too much but can also be caused in combination with other causes. Other causes that need to be clarified may be ...
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Dr. Christoph Fedel

Dr. Janina Jungmann-Geiß

with colleagues

Olgastraße 11

71032 Böblingen


Private consultation:
Cosmetic appointments:
Answering machine:

Consultation hours

We are here for you:

Mo – Th: 08:00 – 16:30
Fr: 08:00 – 12:00
and by appointment

Telephone times vary

Online Terminvergabe