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here for you!


For contact details, online booking of
appointments and directions
to our practice, click here:




The dermatological group practice Dr. Christoph Fedel, Dr. Janina Jungmann-Geiß and colleagues, the clinic for dermatology and aesthetic medicine and cosmetics in Böblingen.


The dermatological group practice Dr. Christoph Fedel, Dr. Janina Jungmann-Geiß and colleagues, the clinic for dermatology and aesthetic medicine and cosmetics in Böblingen.


The dermatological group practice Dr. Christoph Fedel, Dr. Janina Jungmann-Geiß and colleagues, the clinic for dermatology and aesthetic medicine and cosmetics in Böblingen.

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Nutzen Sie unser Online Terminvereinbarungstool.
Individual - Comprehensive - Innovative
Your personal needs and concerns are our focus
In our practice for dermatology and aesthetic medicine, we use personalized procedures in combination with state-of-the-art technology. To make you feel completely at ease in a trusting atmosphere, we take our time and advise you in detail. We adhere to the highest hygiene standards and perform all procedures routinely and with the utmost care. Do not hesitate to come to us with your personal request.

Dermatologist's practice for the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases, allergology and vein therapy

Laser treatments in the specialist area, surgical care and aesthetic therapy procedures

In addition, we provide a range of services including manual acne therapy, podiatry and cosmetic wellness treatments

Helle & moderne
practice rooms
on two floors
in the heart
of Böblingen.

Bright & modern consulting rooms on two floors in the center of Böblingen.

Online Terminvergabe


Dr. Christoph Fedel

Dr. Janina Jungmann-Geiß

with colleagues

Olgastraße 11

71032 Böblingen


Private consultation:
Cosmetic appointments:
Answering machine:

Consultation hours

We are here for you:

Mo – Th: 08:00 – 16:30
Fr: 08:00 – 12:00
and by appointment

Telephone times vary